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- [Note from Dick Barnes: I edit the Amigan Apprentice & Journeyman
- (when I can see, that is). My eyeballs aren't 20/20; I found the
- TYPE.ME file for this material wholly illegible because of the
- somewhat mad colors Greg used. If your eyes are equally upset by
- two primary colors disemboweling each other with your skull as
- the battleground, here is the same file in plain ASCII. Maybe if
- we weak-eyed folk scream enough, programmers will stop showing
- off on screen control. God wot it may be so.]
- Note This is Not FreeWare! If you find this file
- useful, entertaining, or just plain nice, then GREAT! Feel
- free to make a contribution so that I may contiue to bring you more
- quality products in the future.
- Incentives for additional products
- may be sent to:
- Greg Tsadilas
- 161-17 84th Road
- Jamaica, N.Y. 11432
- Custom Icons Version 4 - Specially Packaged for AMuse
- by: GreG Tsadilas
- © 1986 All rights reserved
- ===============================
- AMused ones, here are some of the icons that I have created. They must
- be used for the task that they were created under.....that is, unless you
- are proficient enough to use IconEd.
- Note: Once extracted, each file must be renamed with the .inf changed
- to .info (note: already done on all files on this disk).
- To help you in using the icons, here is what they must be used
- for;
- Mandril - Any executable file (aef)
- Pirate - (aef)
- CLI - (aef) you might like to use it for...Yes!!! the CLI!!!
- Amuse - Graphicraft Icon....loads Graphicraft when clicked...
- assumeing you have Graphicraft.
- Greg - (aef) Thats supposed to be me. A little vanity never hurt
- Xmas - Graphicraft
- Trash - Must be used as the Trashcan icon.
- Brush - Any drawer, particularly the 'Brush' drawer for Dpaint
- Disk - Must be used as the Disk icon that appears in the
- workbench window. (Original Disk.info must first be
- deleted.
- Draw1 - Workbench drawers.....Rename to whatever drawer you like
- Draw2 - Same as above, only inversed.
- Prefs - Preferences Icon
- Rollo - (aef) Initially designed for use with the GIZMOZ rollodex
- Lady - (aef) Use your Imagination!
- Apple - (aef) For an Apple Emulator not yet out.
- Cars - (aef) Whatever you like.
- Setlace - (aef) Intended for use with Setlace. (Must still turn
- Setlace Off from CLI)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOTE: Special Icons Created with the SETALT utility
- Cannot change their "Jobs". This can Only be
- done if you have the Original 2 icons that compose the
- special ALT-Icon. This can only be done by me..Sorry!
- The Special SetAlt Icons are not Listed here, refer to Directory.
- What I alluded to above is that you can change the 'Job' of any
- Icon through the Icon Editor (with exception to the SETALT
- icons)::
- First load the Icon-to-change into a cell, then move into a
- different cell and load from disk the type of icon you want to
- change it to. Once the latter icon is loaded, "Undo" it.
- Finally, merge the Icon-to-change into this frame/cell. You have
- just done it!! Now just save it!
- Feel free to pass this file on to your friends. I ask only one
- thing, that if you find this file useful, you make a contribution
- of what you think it's worth. The Address is supplied above.
- Also, I ask that this file REMAIN with the Icons when they are
- transferred to a new user. Thank you, and Enjoy!
- **** NOTE **** : These Designs are to be Distributed BUT, they
- are not to be used for anything other than your personal
- enjoyment. They may not be used in any product that is for sale
- without my written permission. Nor are they to be sold
- seperately or as a package.*
- *
- AMuse has been Authorized for distribution.
- I retain FULL and Complete ownership to each image.
- I am available for 'Personalized' icons.
- Greg Tsadilas
- =============
- Can be found roaming through the flip-flop's within
- The Amuse BBS....212-269-4879
- Zeitgeist BBS....516-689-3105
- GEnie Address...G-TSADILAS
- (General Electric Network for Information Exchange)
- If you are not able to access the above systems,
- then call me (as a last resort) at G.T.S. - the
- number is 718-523-9035
- Contributions may be sent to: Greg Tsadilas
- 161-17 84th Road
- Jamaica, N.Y. 11432